О режиссуре. О комическом, эксцентрическом и гротескном искусстве. Наш современник В. Шекспир
49.25 €
Настоящее издание знаменитого советского кинорежиссера, народного артиста СССР Григория Михайловича Козинцева (1905-1973) содержит его работы о кинорежиссуре и о комическом, эксцентрическом и гротескном искусстве, а также книгу «Наш современник Вильям Шекспир» (о работе над различными постановками английского поэта и драматурга). Труд снабжен примечаниями, указателем имен и названий.
Сочинение адресовано педагогам и студентам средних специальных учебных заведений.
The present edition of the famous Soviet film director, People's Artist of the USSR Grigory Mikhailovich Kozintsev (1905–1973) contains his works on film directing and on comic, eccentric and grotesque art, as well as the book “Our Contemporary William Shakespeare” (on working on various stagings of works by English poet and playwright). The work is provided with notes, an index of names and titles.
The work is addressed to teachers and students of colleges.
Сочинение адресовано педагогам и студентам средних специальных учебных заведений.
The present edition of the famous Soviet film director, People's Artist of the USSR Grigory Mikhailovich Kozintsev (1905–1973) contains his works on film directing and on comic, eccentric and grotesque art, as well as the book “Our Contemporary William Shakespeare” (on working on various stagings of works by English poet and playwright). The work is provided with notes, an index of names and titles.
The work is addressed to teachers and students of colleges.